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Painting Perspective and Atmospheric Techniques with Cherry Simmons


Join Cherry Simmons in the Blum Studio for an acrylic painting class 11-1pm Saturday, February 22. Participants will learn how Leonardo da Vinci painted some of his masterworks and follow along on masterpieces of their own. Class fee is included with your BCA membership. Non-members $10. Children 18 and under are free. Scholarships are available. Call 309-734-3033 to reserve your spot today.

There are many Leonardo da Vinci-themed projects and classes at the Buchanan Center for the Arts, Galesburg Community Arts Center, and Warren County Library. These are all in the spirit of the Galesburg Community Chorus’s Premiere of “The Notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci” on Saturday, April 5th at 7:30 pm at The Orpheum Theatre!

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©2019 by Buchanan Center for the Arts. 

 Buchanan Center for the Arts

64 Public Square, Monmouth, IL 61462

(309) 734-3033

Gallery Hours

Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm  Saturday 10am-2pm

Sunday & Monday Closed

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Kristyne Gilbert - Executive Director

Rebecca Quick - Program Coordinator & Social Media Curator

Sarah Mayfield - Art Presenter Program Coordinator

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Buchanan Center for the Arts acknowledges support from the Illinois Arts Council.

Individuals with disabilities who would like to attend events or classes, please contact the BCA regarding any special accommodation needs. It is requested that individuals requiring auxiliary aids such as sign language interpreters and alternative format materials notify the BCA at least seven working days in advance. Every reasonable effort will be made to provide reasonable accommodations in an effective and timely manner. 

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