10am Wednesday, May 10, in the BCA Gallery, Old Friends Talk Art presents Barbara Lawhorn, Associate Professor at Western Illinois University. How do the literary and visual arts intertwine? Western Illinois University Professor of English, Barbara Lawhorn, will explore the rich history of ekphrasis and read from her published ekphrastic prose and poetry. Participants will be encouraged to engage with the current exhibit and create their own ekphrastic poem or flash fiction/creative nonfiction in response to a specific work or the exhibit as a whole. This event is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. OFTA is funded in part by the Jim and Jan DeYoung Charitable Trust.
Barbara Lawhorn is an Associate Professor at Western Illinois University. She’s into community literacy work, walking her amazing dog, Banjo, running, eating pie, and finding the wild places, within herself and outside in the world. Her most recent poetry and fiction can be found at Sand Hill Literary Review, Poetry South, Dunes Review Literary Journal and White Wall Review. She has work forthcoming in Santa Clara Review, INKWELL, and Miracle Monocle. She lives joyfully in the Midwest with her favorite creative endeavors ever–sons, Mars and Jack.