“Darling, if I had known that Illinois Cookin’ was this good,
I would have come here a long time ago.”
Mini Illinois Cookin’ cookbooks are finally back! After selling out of our first order, we have them restocked and ready to sell. For just $5.95 you, too, can have some of Illinois’ best concoctions in the palm of your hand … literally. It’s a wee little booklet chock-full of recipes from soup to nuts! These Illinois recipes include Nauvoo Pie Crust, Starved Rock Bars, Lincoln Bean Bake, Windy City Strawberry Salad, and LaSalle Italian Sausage Soup. Looking for something a little more “off the beaten track”? How about Spaghetti Pie, Upside Down Pizza, or Casserole Cookies! Just a few ideas of what to whip up on the weekends. BCA members receive 10% off gift shop and gallery purchases!